Records Management

Electronic records management facilitates informed decision making, but the amount of information that flows through organizations today presents a unique set of challenges. Developing strategic and tactical plans for the creation, retrieval, sharing, and maintenance of records and information can be complex and expensive.

Pre-migration discovery

Inventory source environments with detailed discovery and pre-scan, to find out what you’ve got before you migrate

Effective migration

Easily transfer content from file shares, previous SharePoint versions, Box, or Google Drive. via a simple point-and-click interface

Legacy protection

Minimize business disruptions by ensuring critical legacy information is preserved in SharePoint or Microsoft Office 365

High-speed migration

Overcome throttling limitations in Microsoft Office 365 migration, and accelerate your cutover to the cloud.

How to Get Started

Getting started with us is easy!


Step 1: Get in touch using the form included below. Let us learn more about your situation and how we can help.

Step 2: We will get back to you within 24 hours to set up a 30-minute web meeting to discuss your business needs.

Step 3: Once we’ve established what you need, We will prepare a customised project proposal with a fixed fee estimate.



Contact us for any of our services either with call or via email


Lets discuss and review project scope to prepare for estimation.


Review pricing of proposed services


Would you like to speak to one of our experts  over the phone?

Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly.

You can also email us if you would prefer.