M365 & SharePoint Support

We are proud to be able to offer an expert ongoing SharePoint and Office 365 support service tailored to your organisation’s needs.

Our tailored support options provides your business with a dedicated email address or phone number to contact an expert who can triage issues in line with your business priorities.

Pay as You Go Support

A range of token based agreements to suit your organisations budget. Call on our SharePoint Experts to provide ongoing support and consultancy when you need it.

Ongoing Monthly Support

Our flexible monthly support agreements provide a fixed cost to support your SharePoint environment whether it be cloud or on premise.

Continuous Maintenance Support

Engage our helpdesk for ongoing support to keep your platform operational at all times.

How to Get Started

Getting started with us is easy!


Step 1: Get in touch using the form included below. Let us learn more about your situation and how we can help.

Step 2: We will get back to you within 24 hours to set up a 30-minute web meeting to discuss your business needs.

Step 3: Once we’ve established what you need, We will prepare a customised project proposal with a fixed fee estimate.



Contact us for any of our services either with call or via email


Lets discuss and review project scope to prepare for estimation.


Review pricing of proposed services


Lets talk more about your specific requirements to get you started 

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